
Data Science for Auditors is an initiative of the University of Amsterdam with active contributions from public and private organisations.

Who are we?

The program is driven by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of professionals with many decades of experience in auditing and data science.


Mona de Boer studied accountancy and IT-auditing. As a director at PwC, she is responsible for the Data & Analytics team in Amsterdam. Her Ph.D. research subject is auditing algorithms.


Marcel Boersma studied mathematics at the University of Amsterdam and works as a researcher at KPMG Global Service Center in Berlin. His Ph.D. research subject is using analytics for audit innovation.


Lucas Hoogduin is a director of Audit Innovation at KPMG Global Services Center in Berlin. He has written numerous books and publications on statistics and data analytics in auditing.


Galyna Ignatenko studied Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam. She is currently working as a senior consultant at KPMG, where she is a member of the ERP analytics division. Her Ph.D. research subject focuses on uncertainty, Artificial Intelligence and blockchain.


Paul Kromhout is director IT Advisory at KPMG. Paul is active in the financial services sector. His special field of interest within data analytics includes process mining.


Andries Polman is interim chair of the Postmaster Accountancy at the University of Amsterdam. He is a seasoned accountant with a lifelong knack for data analytics and is one of the co-founders of the program.


Edo Roos Lindgreen is professor of Data Science in Auditing at the University of Amsterdam and co-founder and leader of the program. He also likes tangerines.


Jan Bouwens is professor of Management Accounting and head of Accounting Section at the University of Amsterdam. He was one of the co-founders of the program and main supplier of tangerines.

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These are the tangerines that started it all.


Data Science for Auditors was founded at the University of Amsterdam in March 2017, when Jan, Andries en Edo discussed the state of the audit program over a cup of coffee and a tangerine, recognizing the growing importance of data science for auditors and noticing the absence of an education program that was tailored specifically to the audit profession. Soon, Mona, Marcel, Galyna, Lucas and Paul joined them to work on the development of the program.

In the autumn of 2017, the team organized a few pilot sessions to test its validity. A number of leading organizations participated in the pilot sessions and provided valuable feedback: ABN Amro, Rabobank, PwC, KPMG, ADR, Randstad, Heineken, Ahold Delhaize, Endymion, Grant Thornton, PostNL and KPN.